
Recent Awards
dotComm Awards 2024
San Jose Water won the following awards for two publications in the Owned Media category:

Hermes Awards
SJW received the platinum award for its Sustainability Report. It also received two gold awards for its Newsletter and Water Quality Communication Campaign.

Globee American Best in Business Awards
SJW was named a Gold Award winner for Company Response of the Year during COVID-19. In addition, the Human Resources Department was honored with a Silver Award for Team of the Year during COVID-19.

Best of the Best Top Supplier Diversity Programs
SJW was recognized among the Best of the Best Top Supplier Diversity Programs at U.S. Veterans Magazine (USVM).
- Hermes Awards - Platinum Winner, SJW Group Sustainability Report; Gold Winner, Water Quality Communication Campaign; Gold Winner, Newsletter
- Water Environment Federation - 2023 Recognition as a Utility of the Future Today (UotFT)
- MarCom Awards - Platinum winner, SJW Group Sustainability Report; Gold winner, Mandatory Conservation Plan Brochure
- Hermes Awards - Platinum, SJW Group Sustainability Report; Gold, Drought Response Campaign; Honorable Mention, Mandatory Conservation Plan Brochure
- dotComm Awards - Platinum, SJW Group Sustainability Report, Drought Response Campaign; Gold, Mandatory Conservation Plan Brochure
- San Francisco Business Times Corporate Philanthropy Award
- WBEC Awards - The Corporation of the Year award was presented to the California Water Association (CWA). This organization is comprised of multiple water utilities in California including San Jose Water.
- MarCom Awards - Gold winner, Conservation Video; Gold winner, September/October Bill Insert.
- Viddy Awards - Gold winner, Your Rate Dollars at Work video series
- dotComm Awards - Gold winner, Digital Brand Awareness campaign; Gold winner, Your Rate Dollars at Work video series
- Globee American Business Awards - Gold winner, Company Response of the Year during COVID-19; Silver winner, Team of the Year during COVID-19 (Human Relations)
- U.S. Veterans Magazine (USVM) Best of the Best - Top Supplier Diversity Programs
- Hermes Creative Awards - Gold winner, Multilingual WRAP promotional campaign
- Communitas Awards - Leadership in Community Service and Corporate Social Responsibility
- AVA Digital Awards - Platinum winner, Covid-19 Campaign; Gold winners, Digital Brand Awareness and Conservation Campaign
- MarCom Awards - Platinum winner, Water Conservation Campaign; Gold winners, Water Rate Assistance Program – Social Media Campaign and Multilingual COVID-19 Campaign
- dotComm Awards - Platinum winner, COVID-19 campaign; Gold winner, WRAP promotional campaign
- Sillicon Valley Business Journal Women of InfluenceAward - Suzy Papazian
- Communitas Awards - Leadership in Community Service and Corporate Social Responsibility
- American Water Works Association (AWWA) - Public Communications Achievement Award
- American Water Works Association (AWWA), CA-NV Section - Five Year Directors Award for Distribution System Operations
- American Business Awards - Stevie Awards, Inc.
- Hermes Creative Awards - Gold winner, Rates and Billing 101 video and Corporate Sustainability Report
- ASCE Outstanding Awards - American Society of Civil Engineers
- Innovation award - National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
- MarCom (4 Awards) - AMCP (Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals)
- AVA Digital Awards - AMCP (Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals)
- Best Reliability Engineering - Uptime Awards